Who is the project serving?
Ornithological and zoological researchers will benefit from easy access to records of bird occurrences, already vetted for applicability to the generation of distributions.
Conservation researchers and policy makers will benefit from access to current models of future species distributions using the most recent IPCC climate change projections. For example, Professor Stephen Garnett from Charles Darwin University expects to use data made accessible by this project in his CCARGP -funded report ?Adaptation strategies for Australian birds?.
Researchers will benefit from access to a software platform suitable for displaying and interacting with similar datasets. For example, Professor Stephen Williams from James Cook University may adapt this tool to his wet tropics datasets, which will subsequently improve decision making by the Wet Tropics Management Authority.
The Atlas of Living Australia benefits from feedback of expert opinions on the veracity of observations, adding to their ability to clean their data sets.
Birdwatchers benefit from web access to continually updated observation records and distribution maps of Australian bird species.
The general public benefit from a visual, interactive presentation of the effects of climate change on Australian wildlife.
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