Tropical Data Hub Launch
On about the 16th of May word trickled down to the Edgar team that there was a high likely-hood that our project would be involved in a launch of our parent project, the Tropical Data Hub, on the 5th of June which was to be attended by our benovolent overlords from our funding bodies, ANDS and QCIF, as well as the federal government minister responsible for the sector in which we work. No pressure!
As we are running as an agile project, we aim to have a functioning product at the end of each sprint and so since early in the project we have had a website that we could show to our stakeholders. This work has, however, been residing on machine behind our institution’s firewall and so is only accessible from the internal network. A public launch would require a public facing site.
We had not long before run up a sample demonstration site for a Costa Rican dataset that our research champion wished to show to some collegues from INBio - National Biodiversity Institute Costa Rica, so we had had practise at deploying the code-base to a new machine. We were however in the middle of moving to a new UI for the map display so there were lots of loose ends that needed to be tidied up and polish to be applied. Credit pages, acknowledgements and the obligatory “about” pages all had to be created.
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The launch went well with the site demonstrated to adoring crowds - Stefanie Kethers has blogged about the launch on the ANDS App blog. The final demo product looks good and a lot of work that would have been done towards the end of the project was moved up the schedule. As always, post-event about a week was consumed with merging changes in the launch branch back into the master branch of the code repository and for everyone to remember what they had been working on 3 weeks before.
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